I Am Here to Serve

Corinth is passionate about missions, both locally and abroad.

Here are some of the many ways you can participate.

During this season of COVID-19 we are not taking overseas mission trips. But we are actively participating in mission work through our giving.

We are so proud of the wonderful work that is being done in AhuachapanEl Salvador.  We had a team of 14 adults and youth who traveled to El Salvador to help build a new home and to spread the love of Jesus.  We hope to schedule another mission trip to serve the needs of those in other areas of the world.  And we are continually keeping the people of Ahuachapan, especially Pastora Gloria and the La Gloria Methodist Church, as well as, the work of the Salvadoran Mission Project in our prayers.

‘Feeding Love on Wheels’ or FLOW as we like to call it, is a very nurturing ministry to serve meals to our home-bound members on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.  From September through May, we lovingly carry food to approximately 40 people, who are unable to attend services on a long-term basis, those impacted by hospital stays, illnesses at home or just because they need to know that Corinth cares about them.  Volunteers are always needed to cook, serve, and deliver meals.  If you are unable to volunteer but would like to be a part of this ministry, donations can be given for the cost of supplies.  Contact our Parish Nurse, Pat Davis, or Frances LaTouche, 737-8341, for more information.

You are welcome to join in the prayer shawl ministry by crocheting or knitting at home or with the group.

If you know someone who needs to feel the love and comfort of Jesus and would like to receive a prayer shawl please call the church office at 804-737-4837.

The prayer shawl ministry has given over 300 shawls and blankets (for infants at baptism) since we first started this rewarding ministry in 2009.

Each shawl has this message tied to it: “Made by hand and threaded with prayers of love and hope. This shawl is a gift to you. May it bring blessings of comfort, gifts of warmth and the knowledge that you are loved”

If you are interested in sharing your crafty talents in this ministry, please reach out to Neva Trimble, 804-737-4867.  The group meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 10 AM.

Community garden plots are available for adoption each spring. These raised beds are prepped and ready to go to test your green thumb!  Call 804-737-4837 in February or early March to request a spot.

A fenced in playground is available from dawn to dusk, with slides, swings and benches. All ages are welcome!

A basketball hoop is located on our paved lot.  Bring a ball and join us for play time!

You are welcome to join one of our Community Groups. The parking lot door entrance is open for all meeting

Alcoholics Anonymous – Social Hall

Monday @ 8 p.m., The Sandston Group

Wednesday @ 8 p.m. The Sandston 12 and 12 Group

Thursday @ 8 p.m. Speaker Meeting

Saturday @ 7 p.m. A “Vision for You” Group

Sundays @ 3 p.m.


Narcotics Anonymous – Social Hall

Thursdays @ 6:30 p.m.

J.B. Byers is our Outreach Ministries chair, feel free to contact him at 737-9703 with any questions.

Corinth UMC partners with the American Red Cross. Each whole blood unit donated can save up to 3 lives.  In addition to whole blood, double reds and platelets are also collected from those who would like to make that form of donation. Donors are always needed. Please use the Red Cross website to register for appointments.  Due to the pandemic space restrictions, we are unable to host drives at this time, but will publicize in the event those are lifted and we can again support the Red Cross.

Corinth has a Little Free Library with reading material for all ages, adjacent to the playground.  You are welcome to drop off books that are new or gently used or come and pick up a book to enjoy.

Corinth’s missions team collects materials for relief kits that are annually collected at conference in June.  These kits will serve the most pressing needs as identified by UMCOR.  More information can be found on UMCOR’s site, or stop by our missions table in the social hall for the latest wish lists.



Rise Against Hunger is an international hunger relief organization that distributes food and life-changing aid to the world’s most vulnerable, mobilizing the necessary resources to end hunger by 2030.  Corinth raises funds each year to host a meal-packaging event in the fall.  In 2018, we packaged over 19,200 meals and hope to continue to make an impact this year.  Hope you can join us when we gather in the social hall to cheerfully assemble the meal packets.

Corinth provides meals every Monday night to those who individuals and families who are unhoused and temporarily living at the nearby Motel 6. Meals are prepared by different teams. Call the church office to participate.

FISH, a partnership of more than 26 congregations in eastern Henrico, is designed to centralize the delivery of emergency assistance to low-income families. FISH offers emergency financial assistance with rent, mortgage and utilities. It also provides clothing, food, and information and referral services.  At Corinth, we collect food items and clothing to be distributed by FISH.  Additionally, we support the organization through their fundraising events such as an annual bowling tournament, golf tournament, and we have hosted musical benefit concerts for FISH as well.   FISH always has a need for volunteers to answer the phones, if you would like to provide your time to this great organization please contact Steve Hassmer (737-2049) or Bob Winter (737-1241), our Corinth FISH Reps.

This is a mission project to help ~25 children at Fair Oaks Elementary School, who are in need of food at times when meals are not provided at school.  We are collecting individual serving, child-friendly, non-perishable food items that are packaged weekly into 1 gallon ziplock bags.  We do not include any items that require the use of the microwave or stove, and no metal pull tabs.  No cookies or sweets.

Suggested bag items are: Cereals, juice boxes, gold fish, fruit, cheezits, puddings, pretzels, applesauce, raisins, peanut butter crackers, nesquik chocolate milk 8 oz., granola bars, or veggie chips. Each bag costs ~$4.35, which equates to nearly $500 per month to sustain this program.  We are continually accepting donations of food and money to keep this program going.  If you would like to help pack bags or deliver them to the school, please contact Tillie 222-5748 or Charlotte 795-9583.

Mondays 7:30 PM in the Social Hall — Troop 529

Our Neighbor Help Team meets at 5 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month to work on strategies for helping people take the next step from instability or homelessness to stability and being able to thrive.

Our community wide team is working to find ways to increase available affordable housing, partner with community organizations in helping people find housing, and find ways to lend emotional/moral support to those transitioning from instability to stability with necessary life skills.


Join us at one of our community events.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28

Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.

Isaiah 58:10

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

Matthew 7:12

From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.

Luke 12:48

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work; If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 NIV